Tuesday, June 9

Lets Talk About Sex Baby...

Well, I was wondering what to ponder and blahblahblah on about, so I asked my dear friend Arturas the Lithuanian for some help, and he suggested I talk about sex, so Arturas this is for you :)

So, I guess I do not have to explain to all you people what sex is right? , because that would be awkward and weird and O.O...Well, just in case you don’t know, this is the definition of the word SEX:

· sexual activity: activities associated with sexual intercourse; "they had sex in the back seat"
· either of the two categories (male or female) into which most organisms are divided; "the war between the sexes"
· arouse: stimulate sexually; "This movie usually arouses the male audience"
· all of the feelings resulting from the urge to gratify sexual impulses; "he wanted a better sex life"; "the film contained no sex or violence"
· tell the sex (of young chickens)
· the properties that distinguish organisms on the basis of their reproductive roles; "she didn't want to know the sex of the foetus"

But it is very common to mix up sex with sexual intercourse which is in fact:

“The act of sexual procreation between a man and a woman; the man's penis is inserted into the woman's vagina and excited until orgasm and ejaculation occur”


"A painful activity in which a man, using the stiffest and pointiest part of his pelvic region, repeatedly stabs a female in her crotch until he feels satisfied. Can also take place between two men, in which one male stabs the other in the bum. Lesbian "sex" may be fun and all, but it aint real sex unless there is some sort of stabbling going on, perhaps with a cleverly shaped hand or steel dildo."

( Courtesy of Arturas The Lithuanian)

Which actually doesn’t sound as exciting and as appealing as it is being portrayed.

Being an adolescent in the western world, we are being bombarded with sexual information everyday and sex appears to be the next best thing after world domination. Everyone over the age of 12 wants to lose their virginity and every one over the age of 16 is trying really hard to accomplish that.

It may seem like sex is only talk of the cool popular good looking sexy kids in schools and colleges but I’ve found out they actually used nerds, geeks, bookworms, train spotters and anoraks actually think about it just as much, however there is a difference in the thinking:

· The Popular Kid: the popular kid thinks about sex as a hobby, something they like to do, something they enjoy talking about to their friends ( and enemies), something that makes them feel wanted and important, like a part of their daily life
· The Outcast: this individual however sees sex as a dream, an impossible goal, something they are never going to do or try or have the chance to experience unless they go to a whore that is...it’s like...Dude!!! That’s never going to happen!!!

I watched Melissa P yesterday; if you are not Italian you may not be familiar with it basically this is the story:

“Melissa is an adolescent girl who lives with her mother and her grandmother in Sicily. The girl carries a closer relationship with her grandmother, a quite smoker woman, the only person in the world who understands Melissa. Melissa's father lives in other country. One day, Melissa and her friend go to a party at the house of some school friend. There, Melissa will have her first sexual experience with Daniele, a boy from the school. The experience is far from being what Melissa always has imagined, because Daniele forces her to make out and later forgot her for several months. But now Melissa is in love with Daniele. When they're back to school, Melissa will try to call Daniele's attention, but he barely reminds her. Nevertheless, Daniele will seize the opportunity of taking advantage from Melissa's crush, convincing her of having sex every time he wants. However, Melissa finds out Daniele's real intentions, and she will take a sort of revenge against him, having heavier sexual experiences with him and other boys. In fact, she will start a diary, in which she'll write all her sexual experiences in the future. Melissa's mother is worried, trying to approach to her distant daughter, while the grandmother will be sent to an old people’s home.”

The movie has had lots of bad reviews because its centred on the theme of youthful recklessness and the need for sexual pleasure, if you find it in English I recommend you to watch it because it explains a lot about the sort of life that some people are living right now and its shows how “unglamorous” and destroying sex actually is.

There again, I cannot judge, sex is awesome, we all know it ... well me thinks at least, but virginity is precious so you better take care of it because you are not going to get it back again..Actually on that note:
It’s a surgery called Hymenoplasty and basically it’s for women that want their virginity back LOL so to all you fellow virgin sisters:
“SEEEEEEE!!!! People envy us and pay thousands of pounds to be like us, we are not that bad after allJ”


Sunday, June 7

being depressed

so i have been depressed for a while, been feeling like shit
i think i might have been a little paranoic too , i dunno

i feel so distant from everyone else, my family , my friends, my acquantances
it seems like everyone is moving on apart frm me, well maybe the right way to say it is, it feels as if everyone thinks i have moved on already so they have left me on my own and now that am alone, loneliness is creeping inside and eating away at my soul.

i feel hollow, empty, i dunno how to describe it,
useless, filthy, dirty ... like... like i am not worth living

i have been depressed before, but this has been so far the worst i have felt
all of my problems have decided to trap me in a corner and torture me

what i have done to deserve this?

if i were brave enough, i would write my problems down, am too much of a coward...
i dont wanna acknowledge them...

all know is that i need to be mentally stable for uni...and at the moment am not
i need to be more than mentally stable
i nee to stron and hapy and in control

this post was useless .

Saturday, June 6

Fed Up

Fed up of your loving face
Fed up of your pretty smile
Fed up of the way you talk
Fed up of the way you frown

Fed up of the lump inside
Fed up of the longing thoughts
Fed up of my restless mind
Fed up of my useless hope

Am so MotherFucking FED UP with needing you .

Wednesday, June 3

Job Search

i hate jobsearch its so humiliating and not fun and not nice and not fulfilling as out of 20 cvs you give out, maybe one or two are gonna ask you to an interview

waste of paper

waste of ink

waste of time

but you get all excited when you get home and the phone rings and its actually for you :)

especially if you went jobsearching in camden like yours truly and you met awesome people who you would work with even for 2.50 p/h....

yh if you are an employer who happens to have a shop in camden and is looking for staff, please please holla at me :D i work for next for nothing because the location is unimmaginably awesome :)