Tuesday, July 29

Flog Blog

Don’t you just hate summer…

It is just the most annoying season of the year, where...for one reason or the other, everyone seems to be happy and cheerful...how naive...sometimes i wonder how people can keep smiling where they are over exposed and overflowing in their tight fake-Lycra primark swimming suit...i just wonder!
also the fact that even if it is raining , you always see one or two mad human beings running around in they “Nuddy-Pants”, like : WHY???....just cover up… especially builders....ok...listen, i know its warm, and you are doing a laborious job, but please, for the love of Thomas, could you please put your top back one?... is not that i don’t appreciate the male body, or its fluctuating beer belly, but it would be nice to keep that image for later on in my life, when a hair beer gut is the best i can get!
YeaH...I Hate Summer ... ^_^

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