Saturday, April 10

this is NOT the end

Unfortunately my friends ... I have moved blogs


yes I know!


I'm sorry!!!


forgive me... but Tumblr rulez XD
I'm going to try and import all my posts there or something
but for now if you want me , check me on :
hopefully I'll see you there!!



Friday, April 9

Who's gone Veggie?? Me!!Me!!Me!!!!!!!!

hey guys, long time no hear... sorry I haven't posted anything meaningful in AGES, but I've been quite busy

uni is taking up a lot of my time and in between raves and architectural crits, I do not have that much time to write but I promise I will try and be more active this time. A lot of things have changed in my life since the last post...

1)I have FINALLY gotten over my ex, he was my 1st bf , so it took a while but I can now stand proud and confident and say that really have gotten over him!!

2) I'm enjoying uni to the fullest,making new friends, trying new things... I just feel so free and rejuvenated

3) I've gone veggie, YES!! in April 2010 I have done what I attempted to do in year 10 but gave up after a miserable year, I am now a full vegetarian, no more meat, yessery!! Unlike most people I'm not doing it for the animals, I'm doing it for my health and to detox myself, to be healthy and to appreciate food more , and also to save some money :).

4) Udoli is back, last year I discovered Udoli, I was so excited, finally a subculture that represented me, but at that time in my life i was a bit un-refined, myself, I was into the whole emo, kawaaii and that sort of thing, nothing wrong with that, but I feel that now I have grown up and I'm more sophisticated.

5)Events Organiser of the African Carribbean Society of University of Nottingham UK, i'm so proud of myself, this inspires me even more to get involved in uni life and make new friends, and also feeds my love for my culture and origins, and helps me be an authentic udoli.

6) I love Nigeria and even more I Love Biafra ... say no more

7)reading books about my culture, 2 best so far are: Purple Hibiscus by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie and Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe

8) I Love Being Black

9)Boondocks for the win, rediscovered boondocks, Huey is now my life-coach :D

10) ... hmmm ten, well , what else is there?? i now have a crush (aaaah!!!!) and he is so sexy and nice, hmmm I love my mates to bits!!! best people in the world!!!, cant wait for summer and hopefully travelling, and I LOVE BLOGSPOT!!! ^_____^

oh yeah I'm 20 this year woop woop :D

